Wind Energy

◊ This is the first part of the ‘wind energy’ series of articles ◊


Wind energy is one form of renewable generation available through the electrical grid. It has found its way into the energy mix on every continent on the globe.

There’s plenty of chatter about wind energy from news feeds, social media and blogs. This is a multi-faceted dynamic and controversial subject.

It is not a singular energy solution for Ontario or anywhere else for a number of fundamental reasons. In this series of articles I’ll explore different aspects of wind energy for those interested in learning more of the facts and fallacies surrounding this technology.

Is wind generation beneficial?

If you take some time to research wind generation you will find that there are diametrically opposed interest groups presenting extreme opinions on the subject.

How do you know who is right?

The acceptability of wind energy is totally dependent on the criteria you consider in its assessment. Businesses that manufacture, install, own or operate wind energy facilities will select limited criteria that supports the case for bigger and better investment in wind. Fossil fuel lobbyists, health, environmental and economic groups will select different criteria to support their specific agendas.

Fossil fuel proponents point to the utter futility of emission reduction for the tiny amount of fuel displacement wind energy provides. Wind energy will also face criticism because of its intermittent availability and energy production when it isn’t needed.

Wind energy does have some performance shortcomings when compared to fossil fuel sources. Does that mean it has no role in the production of electricity?

Wind energy advocates will point to the renewable, zero emission characteristics of this source of electricity. There is an increasing amount of credible data that shows wind now provides the lowest cost installed generating capacity in North America. Does that mean we should ramp up investment in wind energy?

The reality is every position can have elements of truth based on selective criteria that either support or demonize the use of wind energy. It is likely that the majority of informed people will find that the benefits of this technology put it somewhere in-between ‘detrimental to society’ and ‘a solution for all of our energy needs’.

For those without knowledge of wind energy, what follows is some of the information you may find useful in deciding for yourself whether it is good, bad or somewhere in-between.


Next article… A brief history of wind energy


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